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h t t p : / / w w w. w i n c h e s t e r r a i l w a y m o d e l l e r s . c o . u k / |
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May 06 Otterbourne came and went fairly well, the 7mm members have been given an extra news sheet detailing work and improvements proposed over the next few weeks. The Topic evening that was due to be held recently featuring a question and answer evening had to be cancelled or postponed. The idea was to have an evening discussing a variety of subjects led by a question or two submitted to Rob or myself. We would try to find someone from within the club who might know the answer to the question to be at the meeting. One such question was “Is it possible to wire a return loop without the need to stop the train and reverse the track feeds?” The answer is yes and when I next have my laptop at the club I will show you and does not need DCC! OO
gauge Matters Running nights continue with a variety of stock being
seen on the layout. When this layout goes out to a show it will be
difficult to choose which stock should run but as you can never have too
much available it is a good position to be in. Testing stock now
will EM
gauge Matters Scenic matters are being worked on whenever possible. O
gauge Matters As mentioned above work now is being concentrated on
improving the overall scenic side of the layout and completing those
items that we did not have time to complete before Otterbourne. Running
will recommence in July with every Wednesday used for this purpose. Other
Business The Summer Party is nearly upon us. This time Mick and
Helen have offered their home for which we are very grateful. Mick will
require food offerings soon, so be prepared.
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