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home about layouts chairman's chatter programme exhibition diary gallery contact links | |||||||||
Chatter is compiled quarterly
by our Chairman John Shaw. John summarizes the latest developments in the club
covering general news, exhibition reports,
developments in the clubs layouts, and any other notices. To
view a Chairman's Chatter simply click the relevant link, or scroll
down for the latest edition.
The current year, and previous year, chairmans chatter's are available by foillowing these links. Previous years Chairmans Chatter are available in the archive. |
Jan 16 | Apr 16 | Jul 16 | Oct 16 |
Jan 17 | |||
Jan 2017
OO Gauge Matters There has been considerable work since the last CC .. The Redbridge Layout Topics thread has been updated with a
great deal of information. particularly in respect of the control system. RMWeb -
http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/58444-wrm-redbridge-wharf/ Trackwork The 3rd rail system has been devised using the
correct rail code soldered to brass or steel pins. Jigs that were laser cut and
used on a Members layout were very useful. Most of the running lines and crossovers have been laid.
Care was taken to ensure that Members locos – particularly diesels and electric
sets- would not be damaged by the rail. Some weathering is required and the
rails need to be chemically “blackened” or some other means (using a Sharpie
permanent marker has been trialed). Some weathering will be required.
This topic is/has been the major part of the whole project
and a detailed description can be found on the RMWeb Topic above. A great deal
of time has been spent in finalising the control system and much progress has
been achieved. Currently there are around 200 routes defined in the control
system! On the baseboards, the spaces between tracks and buildings
etc. have been given a coat of paint using two colours. This has made a big
difference to the appearance. A grass area has also been made adjacent to the
up platform. “Grass” has been/is being planted on the bridge abutments. The Bridges The bridges have been positioned and are very visible and an
important feature of the location. Infrastructure Further progress has produced the following: The platform buildings, the travelling Crane, the Creosote
tanks and other major parts of the “Works”
gauge Matters
gauge Matters
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