h t t p : / / w w w. w i n c h e s t e r r a i l w a y m o d e l l e r s . c o . u k / | |||||||||
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h t t p : / / w w w. w i n c h e s t e r r a i l w a y m o d e l l e r s . c o . u k / | |||||||||
home about layouts chairman's chatter programme exhibition diary gallery contact links | |||||||||
Chatter is compiled quarterly by our Chairman John Shaw.
John summarizes the latest developments in the club
covering general news, exhibition reports, developments
in the clubs layouts, and any other notices. To
view a Chairman's Chatter simply click the relevant
link, or scroll down for the latest edition.
The current year, and previous year, chairmans chatter's are available by foillowing these links. Previous years Chairmans Chatter are available in the archive. |
Jan 19 | Apr 19 | Jul 19 | Oct 19 |
Jan_20 |
Apr 20 | Jul_20 |
Oct_20 |
Firstly, a happy New Year to you all. I hope you all had a good, but very different Christmas and that you were all able to stay well and see those that you wished to see. I was expecting to see Morella on the day but for 20 minutes only, but instead she was admitted to hospital with a low heart rate. They fitted a pacemaker on Christmas eve, so my bionic wife is even more so! Fortunately, she can never get too close to my DCC chips! Not sure when I can see her as on returning to nursing home she has to isolate for 14 days! The good news was that Morella arrived back at the nursing home at 5.00pm on Christmas day. You are aware that the dinner in February is now cancelled. Not sure when we shall be able to start club again, but you will be informed when the committee thinks it is safe to do so and under what conditions. My email about club heating and outside lighting only prompted one major response, (Nick and I had discussed previously). This involved technicalities over power generally. The whole idea was always subject to a qualified electricians check of the supply and what we have at present. The trip/fuse box has been in existence for many years and should not be used to put power on or off each time. We should have an extra master switch to do this allowing the trip switches to be left alone. As we shall not be meeting in the foreseeable cold climate, we can discuss this at a designated club night so ideas can be formulated. We do need to upgrade the club to be comfortable and welcoming to new members and visitors. You may be aware the Landlord has upgraded our supply box etc., so we should take this opportunity to upgrade our end as well. Rich S has the ability to “blow” DCC chips for us now. Get the details direct from Rich and he can advise of his abilities with the technology. Club. The next Show and Tell (on-line) is planned for Wednesday 13th January. Try and join us if you can. There is no need to contribute if you have nothing to talk about, but to listen to other members’ trials and tribulations during lockdown is good for the heart and brain. You will receive the invite from Dave and you just need to click “accept” and then click the link on the night between 7.30 and 7.40.
Other Matters. This quarters WhatsApp discussions include:
Well done to all, keep modelling and please stay well.
Follow us on Twitter: @WRModellers |