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Unsolicited letter recieved after Warley 2022

I just wanted to say that I attended the Warley show this year, with my dad, and we both thoroughly enjoyed spending a lot of time leaning on the railing watching the trains go by on Redbridge. The layout is brilliantly realised. The images in the magazines hint at it's greatness but seeing it in the flesh is the only way to do it justice.  The way it was operated just can't be faulted either and it is a really nice touch to have a screen telling us what was due next in each direction.

Dad and I were never train spotters, but it was thoroughly entertaining to just stand and watch the trains, wondering what the next one would look like and be hauled by, just like spotters of these eras;  all the while watching the pick-up goods or the shunting operations in the foreground.

On top of the attention to detail and the skilful modelling, the lighting of the layout is excellent a well.

Dad is ill, and we don't know how long we have left with him, so it's occasions like this (his first visit to Warley), just the two of us, that mean so much. Thank you and everyone associated with the layout for making the event so enthralling and entertaining for us both.

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