Chairman's Chatter is compiled quarterly by our Chairman John Shaw. John summarizes the latest developments in the club covering general news, exhibition reports, developments in the clubs layouts, and any other notices.
To view a Chairman's Chatter simply click the relevant link, or scroll down for the latest edition.
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Previous years Chairmans Chatter are available in the archive
Jan 24 | Apr 24 | Jul 24 | Oct_24 |
Chairmans Chatter
January 2025
General News
Just as the news we were to vacate our Itchen Stoke club room a few years ago was a shock and meant a huge change to the club, so 2025 will also be a momentous one for the club as we proceed to new premises and location. Preparation for this major change, involves us all and we recently held a meeting that required your input, even if you could not be at the meeting.
There was a proposal put to members that we should hold an “Open Day” Primary purpose for this special day is to promote the new clubroom and gain more members. New members will increase the income stream to the club’s finances and ensure we keep a reasonable subscription rate and maintain the club as we would wish it.
Members we asked to contribute their views to the email put out by Nick. The deadline for this is now please. If not already done so, let Nick have your views.
The second part of the meeting concerned the Wants and Not Wants that members would like to see in the new clubroom. A list, prepared at the meeting, was sent to you all and whilst discussions will continue at meetings, please give this matter some serious thought. Again, Nick is happy to receive comments by email as we know you cannot always get to every meeting. Your opinions matter and there will have to be some compromises, we need a starting point.
Update on Premises
Cponstruction has started. There is no immediate update but progress is being made.
Proposed New layout
Now called “Abbess Rock”and will be referred to as this unless a change is proposed,
Plans have moved forward with the layout design. Whilst a few tweaks may be made once baseboards are built and decisions made over actual construction methods (track type etc).
The latest drawing I have is shown here. Further discussions will be included in our regular meetings.
The second option is a “modular” type layout where members have the baseboards at home and build in their style etc., with a common scale/gauge and tracks crossing the baseboard joins at agreed positions.
Modular Layout
“Inspired by the Lynton to Barnstaple Railway”.
The word modular refers to the joining together of each section (not each baseboard) of the line. 5 members are currently working on their 4 sections.
Having now moved, my section, Pilton Yard and Quay baseboards are built with basic wiring being undertaken.
Barnstaple is progressing and Chris and I will get together soon to officially join the two sections.
Whilst jigs are being used to ensure a standard track alignment, better to be sure and test the system. Bev and Jerry are working on the final arrangements for Chelfham Viaduct so baseboard construction can be finalised as this requires a special dropped baseboard and will become a significant feature of the overall layout.
Woody Bay is also progressing, each of us working at our own pace during the festive season.
The modular layout is a private venture by 5 club members. It is open for anyone to assist.
Redbridge Wharf
Thanks to Gavin, we have the use of Bishopstoke Evangelical Church Hall again from Monday 13th January from 09.00 until Saturday 17.00. Planning details will be sent out nearer the time but PLEASE try to keep these days clear so running experience can be obtained before our next exhibition. On this occasion, there will be no open day, but several full running sessions are planned to help with familiarisation.
Thank you for your offers of help with my home move. Busy time but getting there slowly. Cannot find a few things but hopefully they will turn up eventually! Good to get back to a normal day routine including some modelling. Just waiting for a broadband connection.
Next meeting (8th January) is at Tubbs Hall in Kings Worthy with our first Show and Tell of the year. Last one to qualify for the Trophy to be presented at this year's dinner, 15th February. Hope to see you all there. Menu details out soon.
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