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Winchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway Modellers

 Winchester Railway Modellers
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home     about     layouts     chairman's chatter     programme     exhibition diary     gallery     contact     links
Chairman's Chatter is compiled quarterly, in February, May, August and November by our Chairman John Shaw. John summarizes the latest developments in the club covering general news, exhibition reports, developments in the clubs  layouts, and any other notices. To view a Chairman's Chatter simply click the relevant link, or scroll down for the latest edition.

The current year, and previous year, chairmans chatter's are available by foillowing these links.  
Previous years Chairmans Chatter are available in the archive.

Feb 12 May 12 Aug 12 Nov 12
Feb 13
May 13 Aug 13 Nov 13
Feb 14

July 2014

Firstly an apology for forgetting to produce the May edition of the newsletter. No excuse, just forgot. 

Going forward, the new schedule will be the first day of each Quarter;  January, April, July and October.

We had a very successful Summer Party at David’s. Thank you David once again.

The David McKay Collection

We were very fortunate to have been donated a very large collection of 4 mm stock and items (locos, coaches and wagons, overhead catenary, books, etc. etc.). Club members have bought some items and others are to be sold. The result should be a healthy contribution to Club Funds.

A "trophy" is being produced in memory of David McKay. It is a full sized "rail to sleeper clip" that will be powder coated in dark blue (the colour of Scotland and the WRM).

OO Gauge Matters

Track laying & Ballasting
Further progress has been made with more fiddle yard points built and the tracks that links the point work. Testing has continued to prove the electrical continuity (and isolation where required).

A continuous run is now provided and we have produced a short video of a train completing the loop.

Wiring & Control System

A final (we hope) decision on the control system has been reached! Almost all of the layout will be wired for DCC operation leaving an option for running over certain sections DC as well. This should satisfy all Members.


Card mock-ups have been made for some structures and we have managed to find a scale drawing and photograph showing the down platform building. Prior to this we have had to reply on guesswork and scaling.

EM gauge Matters 

Titivating progresses. We wish Mick a speedy recovery and return to club.

O gauge Matters 

Abbotstone’s conversion to allow DCC running has needed a bit more work than first thought, as we do need the sidings to have DCC power even when the siding point is wrong. Relays activated by the change over system will now allow that to happen but still isolate locos when in DC mode.

Other Business 

On a personal note, I am pleased to see that Redbridge will support DC running, as we need to have track availability for any 4mm new member who walks through the door.

Please note the date of the AGM and try to attend.

Guess what folks; it will be nearly Christmas again!!


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