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Winchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway Modellers

 Winchester Railway Modellers
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Chairman's Chatter is compiled quarterly by our Chairman John Shaw. John summarizes the latest developments in the club covering general news, exhibition reports, developments in the clubs  layouts, and any other notices. To view a Chairman's Chatter simply click the relevant link, or scroll down for the latest edition.

The current year, and previous year, chairmans chatter's are available by following these links.  
Previous years Chairmans Chatter are available in the archive.

Jan 23 Apr 23 Jul 23 Oct 23
Jan_24 Apr_24    

Chairmans Chatter  

June 2024





General News

Our weekly meetings are continuing with good attendance. Thank you to all the speakers and presenters. Halls will continue to be booked in advance, but the venue may change to suit the topic, so always check, please.

Update on Premises

Our situation remains the same. EBC remain keen to have us somewhere but there is little traction.

Please continue to look and ask for any premises where we can meet.

Plan F is still jogging alongand we are looking at ways to accelerate progress.

Proposed New Layout

Our planned new layout(s) will be discussed in the planned forthcoming meetings. We need to narrow down choices and start to add detail. We may have access to a ‘new build’ area later in the year and it would be good to make progress to be able to utilise this offer.

 We have two main options, both of which can progress.

The new club layout is for all members to be involved in and construction will be aimed at having this layout available in a new club room for members to work on and eventually exhibit.

The second option is a “modular” type layout where members have the baseboards at home and build in their style etc., with a common scale/gauge and tracks crossing the baseboard joins at agreed positions.


Redbridge Wharf.

The Control Boxes and General Operation.

I am pleased to report that the planned improvements to update the electronic operating system are going well. Various boards are being moved between homes to allow Dave to work and update the wiring and printed circuit boards under each board.


To date we have had a full team looking after the planning and running of the layout at the club room and more importantly at exhibitions. Rich Sulzmann has until now been very involved with the stock side of things. He plans a sequence which in turn, Dave figures out the required routes etc. Rich plans what stock should start in which position and ensures that they fit all combinations of routes etc.

Rich has to date, also looked after the “who does what” at the show.

As we are aware, Rich not only has a full-time job but is expecting a big event in life with the imminent birth of their child. Therefore, he has requested that he be released from his responsibilities at this time. This will allow him to attend exhibitions when he can, but not feel he has to be there all the time.

Part 1 of his tasks, the main stocking of the layout and sequence is now to be undertaken by Clive Watson who with assistance from Rich will maintain the administration of this important side of Redbridge. Thank you, Clive, and we all look forward to working with you.

Under the terms of the Constitution, item 4.3, Clive has been duly co-opted to this role and will be confirmed at the next AGM or any EGM held before that date.

Another Trial Running Week.

We have now booked Bishopstoke Village Hall for the week, Monday 12th August to Monday 19th August inclusive. The provisional plans are:

  • Monday – move the layout and erect as if attending a show. I.e. all lighting, scenics etc to be erected. (Tony is not available Tuesday so all must be moved this day).
  • Tuesday: Continue the erection, if necessary, (faults may be found with baseboard joins etc which it is best to correct before completion). If able, thorough testing with running will be made.
  • Wednesday: Continue with running and familiarisation for those who would like it.
  • Wednesday evening: Club night with perhaps 2 one-hour operating sessions. This will give members a chance to operate in different roles. (I appreciate some members prefer not to do all the positions), but as far as possible we should all have a chance to practice.
  • Thursday: As required for members to attend and run trains and general scenic touching up etc.
  • Friday: As Thursday or a free day.
  • Saturday 17th August: An open day where we shall invite other clubs, family and friends to “show off”: what we do. Catering thanks to Helen and Bruce as before.
  • Sunday/Monday: Either another running session on Sunday – or - pack up and store the layout. The car park may not be available in the afternoon as the church will be used at that time.
  • Monday: Hall to be cleared.

Lets make use of this week to have RW good for the future shows in 2024.



Dates for your Diary.

Sunday 21st July The Winchester G0G Open Day at Otterbourne Village Hall.

Wednesday 9th October  A.G.M.